Monday, March 20, 2023

DTS: Week 10



This has been my last week in Mazatlan for lecture phase. I can't believe that I'll be on outreach in a different place next Sunday. About that, I have finally gotten enough information about outreach to confidently share the plan. First of all, we leave on March 25th for Queretaro, México. It'll be a 14-hour bus ride and then we'll serve at the YWAM base there for 1 1/2 weeks. Queretaro is in the circle of silence, which is the most unreached part of the Americas. Our team is going there to break the silence. Addiction is a huge problem so we'll most likely be doing rehab ministry every day. Also, because of drug and alcohol abuse, 60% of kids in that area grow up without a father. To reach them, we will do lots of kid programs too. After Queretaro, we will be going to a new YWAM base in Guadalajara. On April 18th, we will fly to Cambodia!! We've been preparing kids programs, songs, and games, and then church and rehab sermons as well. Outreach will really challenge us as a team and as individuals. I'm excited but also a bit nervous. Whenever God does great things, we have to surrender more, which hurts. Please be praying for peace and that I will trust God for whatever He wants to do.  

 For class this week we studied worship, intercession, and spiritual warfare. It was pretty good but God was doing a lot of work in me outside of class. He is preparing me for the future in ways that I do not understand yet.

P.S. Sorry it's so short. Prep work and the Holy Spirit working are tiring. 

P.P.S. I don't know if I'll be able to post every week on outreach. I will try to but it might only be once or twice a month.

last day of class



water park gang



journaling on the roof

Sunday, March 12, 2023

DTS: Week 9


         I'm so happy to be back in Mazatlan! Even though I prefer the country over the city, I missed the base and all the people on it. During these last 2 months, this has become my home and these people have become my family. We have been so vulnerable with each other, laughed, cried, and have seen each other almost every single day. It's going to be so hard to leave them in just under 2 weeks. I know God is doing incredible things in our personal lives and is going to work wonders during outreach but it'll be difficult to not walk with this community on a daily basis. I will strive to maintain contact with as many friends as possible to watch their lives and still witness the milestones they accomplish. 

      Well I definitely didn't plan on writing that but it just spilled out. It might have needed to be said or I just might be writing this at 10:45 pm after a long day ;). On that note, these days have been full. We went back to our regular class schedule and learned about missions. At first, I had low expectations because what could I learn, I'm practically a missionary right now. However, the teaching was so practical. I was able to generally state my mission and my calling which helped me feel less lost in the scheme of life. I evaluated my stage of life and felt less stressed as well. Especially in western culture, there is so much pressure to be completely successful and dependent around the age of 25. You have to go to college, have a good career, buy a house, and so many other things. This has never been pushed by my parents but I am still influenced by the culture. In class, I learned that my life doesn't need to be that. God is calling me into a time of preparation. For what, I have no idea. But I am excited and willing to learn. I want to see transformation in my educational, physical, relational, and spiritual areas. Also, for our last class, we planned out a long-term mission. We were given a location, researched it, found needs, and then assessed how our team could meet those needs. What a great project! It opened my eyes to the complex simplicity of missions. Yes, I need to plan and prepare but prayer is the most important thing. Trusting in God is the foundation of mission work. No matter where I go, I never want to do my work, I want to do His. God is practical and truly showed me that part of His character through this class. 

        God also is a God of joy and I experienced that part of His character as well. I had such fun times with friends! I enjoyed more of Mazatlán city during nighttime excursions, deep conversations, and a prayer walk. The September DTS graduated so there was a celebration for them that included a dance party. My feet were hurting. On Saturday, the gang went to Deer island. We swam, made a sand castle, hiked, battled thorns and trail blazed, rode on a boat, and did a late-night run to Walmart. Today, I had weekend duty which included prepping, serving, and cleaning up all the meals on base. I had some coffee in the morning with my quiet time, which was lovely. Then, I went to Walmart again. However, we drove there on motorcycles! Because we're in a big city, it's a lot cheaper to travel solo on a moto. Also, it's such a fun way to experience the city and culture. Afterward, I got ice cream (before dinner) and ended the day with a smoothie around 9ish. It was a long day but I'm a good kind of tired. Classes this coming week will be about worship, intercession, and spiritual warfare. I'm excited! 

Please be praying for the ending of the lecture phase to be sweet and filled with good memories. Also, that preparation for outreach in Mexico and Cambodia will go smoothly. A lot of things are still up in the air so I don't know specific locations or dates. Thank you so much for your prayers and support! Love you all and enjoy the pictures!

P.S. I don't take pictures of class or ministry times so I'm not distracted and miss what God is doing, so I just have the free time adventures. 

mirror selfie 

Andrea and I 


cute dancers

the golden trio

we all can fit!

soaking up the sun
kids again

crazy ywamers

I feel majestic

enjoy the view

how high can we go


shadows are cool

Sunday, March 5, 2023

DTS: Week 8


I have had another marvelous week in Durango! For 3 nights, we were tent camping in the mountains, which was so cool. This week's topic was the Holy Spirit. I have been so thankful for my upbringing because there were a lot of people who haven't had any real teaching on the Holy Spirit. A lot of it wasn't new information but I have been able to invest in a deep meaningful relationship with Him. During this time, He has become my best friend and I hear Him more clearly. Also, I truly know what my spiritual gifts are. It's been such a wonderful time of intimate time with God and Him doing such good work in my heart. 

After all the teaching, we also had times completely led by the Spirit. There was a time of surrender, prayer, repentance, and raising finances. We witnessed two miracles one night. As we were praying for finances, the Holy Spirit led the group to give and the whole group was paid off!! Second miracle, as soon as we were paid off, a perfect cloud/smoke circle appeared around the moon. It was so incredible!! It was like God was sealing our team with His covenant for Cambodia. I feel so ready for Outreach. 

We also went on hikes and explored the wilderness. My heart was so happy. On Saturday, we helped a local church with a youth event and served the local body of believers. It  was really encouraging to see youth from other parts of the world activated and sent out for the Kingdom of heaven. God is moving through the nations. Enjoy the pictures! 

tent camping

Jesus time

freezing cold mornings 

funny ;)

the view


I love rocks 

youth event

all the peeps

leaving at 5 am

more views

the sky!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

      Happy Holidays everyone!  I hope y'all had such wonderful times with family & friends. I know I did! It was so nice to have a ...