Monday, March 20, 2023

DTS: Week 10



This has been my last week in Mazatlan for lecture phase. I can't believe that I'll be on outreach in a different place next Sunday. About that, I have finally gotten enough information about outreach to confidently share the plan. First of all, we leave on March 25th for Queretaro, México. It'll be a 14-hour bus ride and then we'll serve at the YWAM base there for 1 1/2 weeks. Queretaro is in the circle of silence, which is the most unreached part of the Americas. Our team is going there to break the silence. Addiction is a huge problem so we'll most likely be doing rehab ministry every day. Also, because of drug and alcohol abuse, 60% of kids in that area grow up without a father. To reach them, we will do lots of kid programs too. After Queretaro, we will be going to a new YWAM base in Guadalajara. On April 18th, we will fly to Cambodia!! We've been preparing kids programs, songs, and games, and then church and rehab sermons as well. Outreach will really challenge us as a team and as individuals. I'm excited but also a bit nervous. Whenever God does great things, we have to surrender more, which hurts. Please be praying for peace and that I will trust God for whatever He wants to do.  

 For class this week we studied worship, intercession, and spiritual warfare. It was pretty good but God was doing a lot of work in me outside of class. He is preparing me for the future in ways that I do not understand yet.

P.S. Sorry it's so short. Prep work and the Holy Spirit working are tiring. 

P.P.S. I don't know if I'll be able to post every week on outreach. I will try to but it might only be once or twice a month.

last day of class



water park gang



journaling on the roof

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