Saturday, April 29, 2023


           CAMBODIA!! I cannot believe that I am here on the other side of the world. The culture here is so different from anything I've experienced before. We arrived a week ago & have taught English, Bible, & sports classes, tried exotic fruits, ridden local transport called tuk-tuks, and so much more. It hasn't been easy. I am just getting used to the heat & humidity, bug spray has become my daily perfume, & I sleep on the ground. Throughout the time I've had here, I'm learning to have so much grace for myself. Everything, except God, in my life is different. Also, there isn't a single thought or idea that I had/have that hasn't changed or been challenged. That's okay. I'm still young & I have a lot to learn. The things I do don't have to be perfect. I am in the perfect season to make mistakes. It is okay to struggle. However, all of the challenges have been so worth it! I have loved serving these kids and making an impact in their lives. Also, we have been an encouragement & help to the local pastors & teachers. Our presence here has so much power & purpose. In the hard moments, I can look back at God's faithfulness & the words He gave us. So many little things have happened but I don't have the time or energy to write it all done. Keep me in your prayers & enjoy the pictures!


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God's Way: May Newsletter

                There are so many things that the LORD has been teaching me every day that to share them all would take more than one post. ...