Tuesday, April 23, 2024

April update


   There has been so much change & transition this past month that I don't know where to start. First of all, I have officially graduated from the Artios internship and am on staff with YWAM Mazatlan!! It's amazing to see where God has brought me from & all the promises He has fulfilled. As a little girl, I remember reading missionary stories from all around the world as a family right before bed. My favorite was always Amy Carmichael. She was an Irish missionary who was in India. There she preached the Gospel & started a safe home for temple girls. She rescued them and they called her Ama, which is "mother" in their native language. Growing up, this was my desire; to see the lost get found. In a recent phone call with my mom, she reminded me of this. Now, I am living in the fulfillment of those dreams. I know that this is only the beginning of my life in missions!

    Regarding full-time missions right now, I am serving as the leader of the cleaning & garden department. I am still in transition so I don't have full responsibility for everything but I am learning more each week. My tasks look like setting up the weekly projects, daily tasks, & organizing my team. I am growing in my leadership, conflict resolution, team motivation, managing priorities, & peer discipleship.

 On the personal side of missions, I am living in a house with 4 other amazing women. God has provided me with an amazing community where I can be edified, challenged, & supported in the work God is doing here in Mexico. All of my roommates are also staffing with Mazatlan & working in different areas. It is exciting to see people from all around the world come together to serve one vision to reach the people of Mexico. I think I still need to explain our vision so let me take the time to do that. 

    To summarize all that we do, YWAM Mazatlan is a missional community that activates a movement of young people to & from Latin America by training & empowering leaders to take their place in fulfilling the Great Commission. Based on this, there are many ministries we have started. Recently, our medical ship the Amazing Grace was commissioned to go on her first voyage. Their vision is to reach the unreached with the Gospel as well as medical care & community development. I've already told y'all about the hospital ministry but there are so many more. If you want to know more, feel free to text me questions or go to our website (https://www.ywammazatlan.com/). 

    Prayer Points: 

  • God is moving in incredible ways on the base. There is so much vision for what's to come!
  • wisdom in my relationships & staying in touch with people even as I'm far away
  • guidance in being a leader that is guided daily by God's Word

my team :)

handing out food at the hospital


base cleaning day

packing day

graduation group

easter brunch

service at the beach

breakfast at home

solar eclipse

keeping everything green

beach day

cleaning our place

February Newsletter

     Hey everyone! This month I just wanted to let you in on the happenings of my life & everything that's been going on since my la...