Sunday, February 18, 2024

God's Hand is Moving: February Newsletter

Wow, I can't believe that my internship is halfway done! This month has been so full in so many good ways. God has been growing me in my leadership & dependence on Him. Isaiah 66:1-2 has been such an important verse this season. It says, "This is what the Lord says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?... But on this one, I will look: on him who is humble and contrite in spirit, and who trembles at my word." 

To be contrite means to be paralyzed & unable to move unless God comes & picks me up. This is what this season has been. Every day I go to Jesus with empty hands and a deep knowledge of my brokenness & weakness. Yet every day He fills me up with His strength to love & serve others in the best way. It's such a beautiful season to be in deep intimacy with Him. 

    Also, God has been doing amazing things here in Mazatlan. Last week the city had a 4-day party called Carnival. Years ago it was part of marti gras celebrations as a week of indulgence before Lent started. However, it is now a party that is filled with demonic practices, drugs, alcohol, sex trafficking, prostitution, & a lot of lost people who need a savior. As a base, we prepared for a whole week to go into Carnival to evangelize, pray, & serve people who came to party. In total, we had over 300 people on the streets every night sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. God was so good!! We were able to witness 2, 151 salvations! That's 2,000 people who will be in heaven, 2,000 people who will be walking on this earth with the power of the Holy Spirit. Guys, we are fighting from victory. The enemy has already lost & God is using us to put the devil to shame. We also saw countless healings, miracles, deliverance, & stories of Jesus encountering people in such special ways. I did a ministry called Brave Love where we looked for women in Carnival. Then we told them their original design & gave them identity from the LORD. It was so fruitful to see women here in Mexico embracing their biblical womanhood. Thank you for partnering with us to make this happen. I am so blessed to have been here & it is because of the heart God gave to you. Be encouraged! God IS moving. 

    Again thank you everyone for supporting me with prayers & financially. Please be praying for wisdom & guidance. Coming up, I have the opportunity to apply for temporary residency here in Mexico. If I want to stay here longer term, it would allow me to enter the country so much easier. I wouldn't have any problems with customs or getting a shorter visa. However, the whole process costs around $800 plus travel costs. Please pray that I will seek God diligently if this is His plan & that I'll trust in His perfect timing. 

    Also, pray for wisdom in possible future housing. After internship, I would love to move off base so I can have a place to call home. I have a huge heart of hospitality so I would love to host parties & have people over for coffee, tea, or baking something. I also want to make my own food. Base food is good but isn't as healthy as I want to eat. The Bible says our body is a temple & I want to steward that well. Please pray that I will be following the Holy Spirit & be open to whatever God's plan is. 

    To close, you all are amazing! The work being done by the partnership of the body of Christ is a beautiful thing that bears so much fruit. Please reach out to me if you have any prayer requests or praises to share. You guys are such an important community for me. I cannot express in words how blessed I am by the work you do every day to help share the Gospel here in Mexico. I have seen God's hand of provision in the little things & also in the big things. We serve a mighty God!

With the love of Christ,
                    Livvy 😊

24 hour prayer burn over Mexico


baptisms at the beach

sandy dogs

praying over Mazatlan

flowers to hand out on the streets

best evangelism team

Brav Love ministry 

cute friend

galentine's day <3

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

      Happy Holidays everyone!  I hope y'all had such wonderful times with family & friends. I know I did! It was so nice to have a ...